August 27, 2018
The 2018 Handwashing Behavior Change Think Tank was held in Manila from October 10 -12. At the event, more than 60 participants shared best practices, explored new findings and innovative thinking, identified shared barriers, and co-created solutions in key areas, including;
· Behavior Change Across Settings: Applying best practices for impactful, scalable, cost-effective handwashing programming across settings (communities, schools, healthcare facilities, and other settings), including challenging and water-scarce settings
· Design and Innovation for Behavior Change: Integrating behavior change theories and design practices to improve handwashing measurement and product design
· Hygiene Systems and Integration: Sharing learning across sectors working in hygiene, utilizing existing structures to help hygiene behavior change initiatives reach scale
The objectives of the 2018 Handwashing Behavior Change Think Tank were to:
· Facilitate improved collaboration among stakeholders working in hygiene;
· Share learning and experience from diverse perspectives; and
· Co-develop solutions to advance the ‘state of the art’ in handwashing behavior change.
The event program is available here, and presentations can be found here. The event report can be accessed here. Please contact us with any questions.
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© 2017 The Global Handwashing Partnership (GHP).