Location: Azad Kashmir, Pakistan
Participants: 210
Organizations: Anderhal Youth Representatives
In Dadyal District Mirpur of Azad Kashmir children, teachers, parents, and government officials mobilized and motivated millions to lather up in order to reduce life-threatening diseases, such as diarrhea and acute respiratory infections. Andrhal Youth representatives (AYL) arranged a hug event in Local Govt High School to celebrate this event.
Event leaders highlighed the burden of diarrhea and pneumonia in children and how these diseases can significantly increase these rates.
The event organizaers adopted the slogan “Clean hands,safer Andrhal (Dadyal)” as the theme if this Global Handwashing Day celebration. They empowered participating children to be agents of change, taking the good practices of hygiene learned at school back into their homes and communities. The active participation and involvement of children, along with culturally sensitive community-based interventions aim at ensuring sustained behavioral change.
At the end of event free soap and literature about importance of handwashing were distributed to all those present.
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