The main Global Handwashing Day celebration for 2016 in Bolivia consisted in an event for girls and boys at the Bolivia Plaza with the Ministry of Water and Environment, the Ministry of Health, Save the Children, Sumaj Huasi, and UNICEF Bolivia. Together they held a morning celebration consisting of playful learning games, commitment expressions, and handwashing practices. The Vice Minister of Water Resources was present, at this symbolic act, playing with and talking to the kids, washing his hands with the handwashing volunteers. The Vice Minister also distributed hygiene kits provided by UNICEF. Media was present and interviews were conducted. Approximately 300 girls and boys were present at the main event.
At the municipal level in La Paz we reached out 496 schools (100% of public schools) through the “school breakfast” program by distributing informational material and calling upon 248,000 schoolchildren to take action and celebrate handwashing with soap in recognition of Global Handwashing Day.
Throughout the rest of the country at least other 5 (out of the total 9 departments in Bolivia) celebrated and connected directly with 9,000 kids and their families in Potosí, Chuquisaca, Pando, Beni, and Cochabamba. At these events, hygiene kits and printed materials were also distributed by the Ministry. An additional million individuals were indirectly reached through social media.
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