Global Handwashing Partnership
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International Medical Corps Celebrates at Melkadida Refugee Camp

Where: Melkadida Refugee Camp, Ethiopia
 International Medical Corps (IMC); UNHCR; ARRA

With the aim of making handwashing with soap a habit, International Medical Corps held a Global Handwashing Day celebration event. During this event different implementing partners, UNHCR, ARRA and refugee structures (RCC, Zone leaders) and the refugee community were available. Speeches were given by IMC, UNHCR, ARRA, the refugee chairman, and representatives of IPs. Songs, dramas and role plays by a music band about handwashing were presented, entertaining audiences while conveying important messages. The final event was a washing hands campaign in which all the audiences were invited to wash their hands with soap using a band of tippy taps installed at the location.

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