Khairpur Rural Development Organization (KRDO) Sindh Pakistan held 6 sessions in different schools and places to celebrate Global Handwashing Day 2015.
1. At Sajjad Model School, Khairpur Sindh Pakistan.
The KRDO has organized a session on Hand Washing in the Sajjad Model School, Khairpur Sindh Pakistan on October 15,2015. Ms. Rehana Balouch, Volunteer of KRDO was conducted the session on handwashing and also demonstrated the steps of handwashing practices. The children were took part in the demonstration and raised questions and also responses given to the questions raised by Ms. Rehana. About 60 students were present in the session.
2. At Beacon School of Excellence.
Ms. Rehana Balouch Volunteer of KRDO was also conducted a session on the day of GHWD at Beacon School of Excellence, Khairpur and conducted a practical session on the different steps of handwashing. More than 30 students were participated in the session.
3. At Government Girls Elementary School, Mahessar Wada.
On October 15, 2015 the Global Handwashing Day was celebrated by KRDO at a Girls School of Village Mahessar Wada. Ms. Nusrat Joyo, Volunteer of KRDO was conducted the session on handwashing and impact of handwashing in our life. About 50 Girls and two teachers were participated in the session.
4. At Village Mahessar Wada with Women of Community.
Nusrat Joyo, Volunteer of KRDO was also conducted a session with the women of rural community on October 15, 2015 the Global Handwashing Day at a Girls School of Village Mahessar Wada. She was conducted the session on handwashing and times of handwashing in daily life. About 25 women were participated in the session.
5. At Khairpur Academy School, Khairpur.
Ms. Azra Soomro Volunteer of KRDO was also conducted a session on the day of GHWD at Khairpur Academy School, Khairpur and conducted a practical session on the different steps of handwashing. More than 40 students were participated in the session
6. At Khairpur Academy School, Khairpur.
Ms. Gul Bano Soomro, Volunteer of KRDO was also conducted a session on October 16, 2015 during GHD at Khairpur Academy School, Khairpur and conducted a practical session on the different steps of handwashing. More than 30 students were participated in the session.
Tags: Pakistan, Global Handwashing Day 2015, Khairpur Rural Development Organization
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