Each year RDRS Bangladesh celebrate global hand washing day in its working area in northwest Bangladesh. This year with the support of KiK Textilien & Non-Food GmbH, Germany, RDRS Bangladesh give emphasis on practice level of hand washing with liquid soap of every student and their mother. To improve the quality we have distributed hand washing materials in 262 schools in Dimla sub-district under Nilphamari District of Bangladesh. Each school receive three liquid soap with machine and 6 refill pack for continues practicing of handwashing.
To increase awareness and ensure personal hygiene, sanitation and personal hygiene at all level, we have been observed hand washing day at 262 schools through a color full rally, practical session of hand washing system and discussion meeting on personal hygiene. As a result about 30,173 female students out of 61,318 students and mother have been aware and introduced hand washing and its procedure; they also wash their hand in festive mood.
This year Honorable member of Parliament Mr. Aftab Uddin Sarker learn from the student about washing hand properly.
We have trained 785 multiplier female students about health and hygiene during menstruation.
To improve knowledge about WatSan and Personal Hygiene, two debate championship has been held in Dimla Upazila. Secondary and higher secondary level students of different education institution of Dimla Upazila has attended in those championship.
In secondary level we have arranged traditional debate and in the higher secondary level we have arranged parliamentarian debate to find out best solution about declare sent present WaSH area.
In the final session of this championship Jotuakhata Dimukhi High School, Tepakhoribari Union and Dimla Women’s College, Dimla Sadar Union has made champion and in those championship. Both final (High school and college level) event 02 professors of Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur have took part as judges in the championship.
Approximately 2400 people has been come to view the championship and as for support their team. As an ultimate result of the championship they learn a lot about WASH.
One fair was held in this year. GoB departments, Union Parishad, Union Federation, other related organization and schools were attended in the fair. Three days long activity and models has been displayed during the fair. Cultural show also took place in competitive manner. Various models were displayed in fair from which community people chose their model. Other NGOs, Federations, GOB departments, Ups participated and described their facilities and models. Approximately 4000 people have seen the demo and collected data about best WASH facility.
Tags: Bangladesh, RDRS
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