Team Swachh Bharat, the campaign co-led by UNICEF and WASH United, will celebrate Global Handwashing Day on October 13th from 09:00 am to 05:00 pm at the National Bal Bhawan with Swachh Haath Mela (“clean hand festival”) with approximately 850 students from government schools in Delhi and partners. During the festival, children will have a chance to play the Action Kit games in a larger-than-life format and have other fun activities, like song, dance, and bubble-making. The event will be an exciting, for play-based learning on the topics of washing hands with soap after using a toilet and before eating.
Team Swachh Bharat is also developing a really catchy handwashing video for sharing on social media (the videos will be ready shortly and will be promoted on the Global Handwashing Day virtual events page).
Learn more at and
Tags: India, UNICEF, WASH United, Swachh Bharat
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