Global Handwashing Partnership
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Wash, wash, wash your hands…in Angola

Location: Luanda, Angola
Participants: 30
 Fundaçao Arte e Cultura

We started with an interactive session with kids on handwashing and asked questions like:

  • Why is it important?
  • When should they wash hands?
  • Can they show where all germs can live on hands?
  • How to wash hands properly to shoo them away?

We then showed a video about a story of five friends and why one day only two could go to the park. Why were the other three not there? Why were they sick? What should we do stay healthy? How can wash hands properly?

One of the volunteers then became the special agent who has come to inspect all hands. And after inspection he sent everyone for a ‘hand washing training’ after which they will all get a germ buster certificate.

We ended with the Global Handwash dance created many years ago by UNICEF Japan. A volunteer’s reflection on the event is here.

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Global Handwashing