This update report assesses the coverage of WASH services (water, sanitation, hygiene, environmental cleaning and health care waste management) in in health care facilities. There were enough national data to make global estimates for basic water and hygiene services in 2022, with 78% and 57% […]
The 2023 hand hygiene research summary outlines key themes and findings from hygiene-related research papers published in 2023. Sections include: • Impact of Hand Hygiene • Handwashing Access and Supplies • Determinants of Hand Hygiene Behaviour • Interventions for Hand Hygiene Behaviour Change • Monitoring […]
Citation: Antimicrobial resistance: an agenda for all. The Lancet, The Lancet, Volume 403, Issue 10442, 2349 Summary: This new Lancet Series on AMR provides key evidence on interventions and investments to inform decision making to achieve sustainable access to effective antibiotics and accelerate progress in addressing […]
Citation: Esteves Mills J, Thomas A, Abdalla N, et al. How can global guidelines support sustainable hygiene systems? BMJ Glob Health 2023;8:e013632. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2023-013632 Summary: Hand hygiene is a cost-effective preventive measure to reduce transmission of infectious diseases. Yet, a quarter of the global population lack […]
The 2022 Hand Hygiene Research Index is a comprehensive list of all peer-reviewed publications related to hand hygiene published in 2022. The index is available here. To read a full narrative of research published in 2022, check out the 2022 Hand Hygiene Research Summary here.
This learning brief is based hygiene behaviour change learnings and insights from the Boosting Business pilot research project conducted in collaboration with Diageo, Gap Inc., HSBC, Twinings and ekaterra. The Boosting Business project aimed to measure the tangible impact of WASH investment in ten workplaces […]
The 2021 hand hygiene research summary outlines key themes and findings from hygiene-related research papers published in 2021. Sections include health and non-health impacts of hand hygiene, hand hygiene access and supplies, determinants and interventions for hand hygiene behavior change in various settings, and the […]
Citation: Watson J, Cumming O, MacDougall A, Czerniewska A, Dreibelbis R. Effectiveness of behaviour change techniques used in hand hygiene interventions targeting older children – A systematic review. Soc Sci Med. 2021 Jul;281:114090. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.114090. Epub 2021 May 31. PMID: 34118686. Abstract: Background: Promoting good […]
The Global Handwashing Partnership convened the 2021 virtual Handwashing Innovations Think Tank in May 2021. This event brought together academics, practitioners and stakeholders working in handwashing behavior change across the globe to co-create solutions for handwashing innovation.
This paper reflects on the contribution, style and legacy of Professor Val Curtis. Professor Curtis was a public health researcher, hygiene champion, and founding member of the Global Handwashing Partnership.