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The Global Handwashing Partnership

Hand Hygiene Policy Examples

Published: January 4, 2022

Country roadmaps and other policy documents as they relate to the HH4A initiative tend to identify strategic goals and opportunities for investments to improve hand hygiene and guide actions. They should align multi-sectoral stakeholders and investments around a common, co-developed vision and course of action and lay out a path for maximizing upcoming opportunities. This landing page includes links to country documents. Many of these documents are provided by countries as evidence of their progress as outlined by using the Hand Hygiene Acceleration Framework Tool.

Country Roadmap Examples: 

Country roadmaps for hand hygiene identify strategic goals and opportunities for investments to improve hand hygiene and guide actions across the three pillars: political leadership, enabling environment, and inclusive programming at scale. This guidance document provides a step-by-step process to draft context-specific country roadmaps to achieve hand hygiene for all by 2030.

Hand Hygiene Strategy Examples:

Hand Hygiene Integrated into Broader Sector Strategy Examples:

  • Bhutan
  • Philippines



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