October 26, 2017
ONG PIVJET international basée au Cameroun, mobilisation de plus de 10,000 personnes depuis quelques mois ! A l’occasion de la journée mondiale du lavage des main 2017, l’ONG PIVJET International s’est penchée sur le thème de cette année “Nos Mains, Notre Avenir!” pour pouvoir toucher […]
October 13, 2017
PIVJET & SOS Villages d’enfants have organized 4 activities in our Country with more than 250 students and teachers, after that at the market with 100 women seller, and with more than 50 children at the orphan’s center. PIVJET International and SOS Villages d’Enfants will […]
October 10, 2016
Pole d’Initiatives Vertes pour la Jeunesse, Environnement et la Transparence (PIVJET) celebrated Global Handwashing Day on October 14 and 15 in Mbalmayo city, Cameroon and reached over 5,000 individuals. 1,250 students and teachers were educated through school program with an additional 150 boys and schools through […]
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