April 2, 2018
World Healing Project distributed 100 SpaTaps at Simerro school, in a remote region of Kenya. Around 100 children took part in this as well as the head teacher and other teachers. The children learned about the importance of handwashing and how to use a SpaTap.
April 2, 2018
World Healing Project celebrated in Clare, Suffolk, UK, where a number of children at the local primary school and celebration event learned about water conservation and WASH issues. They were then shown how to use a SpaTap and saw its incredible water saving potential. Around […]
December 4, 2017
Schools are critical places for children to learn good handwashing habits, and proper school handwashing keeps children healthy and ready to learn. This case study from GHP member SpaTap shows one creative way to bring handwashing stations to schools to encourage handwashing on Global Handwashing […]
September 19, 2017
SpaTap Portable Tap and Livelearn.org will engage in celebration of Global Handwashing Day with 7 schools, approximately 7000 students, in and around the capital of city of Honiara.
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