October 8, 2019
WASHINGTON, DC – October 8, 2019. Every October 15th, millions of people celebrate Global Handwashing Day through worldwide celebrations, events, and advocacy campaigns. Global Handwashing Day was founded by the Global Handwashing Partnership, an international coalition of organizations working to promote handwashing with soap. Handwashing […]
January 22, 2019
By: Ebuwa Evbuoma, Global Handwashing Partnership The Global Handwashing Partnership’s Handwashing Behavior Change Think Tank events bring together multi-sector hygiene experts to drive learning and action in handwashing behavior change. The 2018 edition was held in the Philippines. It was the first Think Tank held […]
July 20, 2018
Ed. note: This post concludes our series on how our partners are contributing towards SDG 6. Read on to learn how Unilever and Amref Health Africa are working to improve handwashing practices in Kenya. By Lifebouy and Amref More than 34,000 newborn babies in Kenya […]
July 13, 2018
Editorial note: As the High Level Political Forum convenes to understand progress towards the SDGs, we’re sharing some of the ways that Global Handwashing Partnership members are contributing to SDG 6. Today, Banka BioLoo offers a case study on collaboration to improve sanitation and handwashing […]
April 1, 2018
Teachers and members of the management committees of 15 schools of Kabezi commune are sensitized on best hygiene practices in school including handwashing with soap during critical moments among 10,754 pupils and 111 teachers and management committee members. 25 journalists were trained on handwashing with soap […]
April 1, 2018
Letter from the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development to all schools requesting installing of handwashing facilities. Awareness and key messages on the importance of handwashing and the role of UNICEF disseminated via radio, news articles and interviews. Inauguration of newly constructed handwashing stations […]
April 1, 2018
Oxfam South Sudan joined the world in celebrating Global Handwashing Day, reaching a total of 29 780 people. Activities included handwashing demonstrations, public addresses, handwashing competitions amongst school children, tippy tap installations, and radio shows on the history of handwashing and its importance on local […]
March 27, 2018
In coordination with local government representatives, local WASH committees, school teachers, and community representatives, Catholic Relief Services and SAPLING celebrated Global Handwashing Day with a school and community-based WASH campaign to raise awareness about the benefits of handwashing with soap. Teachers provided hygiene education for […]
December 4, 2017
Schools are critical places for children to learn good handwashing habits, and proper school handwashing keeps children healthy and ready to learn. This case study from GHP member SpaTap shows one creative way to bring handwashing stations to schools to encourage handwashing on Global Handwashing […]
October 31, 2017
Project Concern International (PCI) organized a week of Global Handwashing Day celebrations. PCI health officer worked with district medical officers to prepare and air a radio program concerning handwashing. The event organized in at Kigera Etuma village included Handwashing demonstations by health officials and PCI health team memebrs. Students from […]
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