Published: April 27, 2016 / Published by Global Handwashing Partnership
This overview of the 2016 Handwashing Behavior Change Think Tank highlights the background, sessions and recommendations for all actors in the hand hygiene space.
All presentations available for download here.
Yet, despite the clear benefits of hygiene, far too often it isn’t prioritized from the personal level to the policy level.
To address this gap, the Global Handwashing Partnership, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and WaterAid, hosted the 2016 Handwashing Think Tank as a way to learn how the evidence in the Thematic Areas of handwashing integration, settings, and scale/sustainability can be acted upon.
Objectives for the 2016 Think Tank were to:
Key deliverables from this event include:
Presentations for this working group session are available here.
We know that self-reporting often overestimates the frequency of handwashing, but observation also presents drawbacks. Ultimately, unless we are looking for trends, self-reporting data should be utilized less, and when it is used, questions about automaticity of handwashing should be included. In terms of observation, repeated visits can be influential, so implementers must ensure that measurement tools don’t inadvertently become part of the intervention. It is also important to consider bias when measuring handwashing behavior (i.e. social norms).
Challenges & Gaps
Presentations for this working group session are available here.
Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) facilitates a process that rallies the community around key outcomes. By definition, handwashing is an integral part of CLTS; however, the certification components of on open defecation free (ODF) community vary.
Good CLTS leads to improved knowledge of the critical handwashing times, the ability to demonstrate the critical times, and a greater likelihood that handwashing stations with soap and water are present.
Opportunities for integration
CLTS programs focus on creating a movement with strong engagement by natural leaders, champions, and community consultants. CLTS is often implemented by district health officials, which can lead to further integration and long-term follow-up.
Challenges & Gaps
There are many behaviors that are important for newborn wellbeing and health, including breastfeeding promotion, skilled birth attendance, treatment for birth asphyxia, and the prevention and treatment of malaria in pregnancy. Handwashing is just one component of newborn care.
Theoretically, the disruption that having a new baby can cause in routine presents an opportunity to uptake a handwashing habit. The evidence shows that there are modest handwashing behavior increases during this period, but behavior change is oftentimes not permanent.
In the late neonatal period, sepsis decreases significantly; this helps us identify how national health policy programs could shift so that we are not crowding interventions in the neonatal period. However, the majority of neonatal deaths occur during the first 24-hour period and first week of life.
Challenges & Gaps
We know from the vicious cycle of diarrhea and undernutrition that WASH and nutrition are linked. Increasingly, the sectors are working together.
Maternal handwashing during the complementary feeding period, when solid foods are introduced, can help prevent illness. There are a number of projects that work on linking handwashing to improved child feeding practices, including the Alive & Thrive project; the SPRING project, which, in Bangladesh, led to the Tippy Tap being considered an essential handwashing prompt; and the USAID WASHplus Project that is introducing commercial handwashing stations in partnership with WaterSHED.
Gaps & challenges
Settings are an important mechanism for behavior, as the cues from settings tell us how to behave within that context.
The presentation for this working group session is available here.
To determine the formation of habits, one must ask both where and how to insert a behavior. Though behavior is linear, all factors are actually occurring simultaneously in organized streams. Routines are often organized in the same way, with optimal sequences. Habit formation depends upon the perception of a positive result (i.e. if someone assumes there will be a reward every time the action is performed or completed, they are more likely to do the action). If a behavior is intrinsically rewarding, automaticity is more likely. This accelerates the behavior becoming routine.
Gaps & Challenges
The presentation for this working group session is available here.
Disturbing the setting (physical, biological, and social) is important for changing behavior. People follow “scripts” that correspond with procedures and specific roles. Changing the script involves introducing new settings and new norms that can help prompt people to commit to and practice new behaviors or actions.
It is essential to create desire within the community, so changing the script in a positive manner (i.e. you can have the ideal family), fostering a social norm (i.e. public pledging) can encourage or reinforce behaviors. These changed scripts also include the physical environment in which the behavior occurs.
Gaps & Challenges
The presentation for this working group session is available here.
Ingeborg posed the challenging question: “Is it possible to do handwashing activities at a larger scale?” and shared how BRAC is working in Bangladesh to deliver WASH services. Their experience showed that sustained behavior change was the result of community buy-in, a high level involvement of water and sanitation stakeholders (including the government and the private sector), and ongoing, intense hygiene promotion. Success was also the result of an integrated approach, where hygiene was mainstreamed into sanitation promotion. The project found that handwashing was, in some instances, a motivator to end open defecation. We discussed integration on the first day of the Handwashing Think Tank, but its linkage with scale and sustainability is evident.
Cheryl Hicks of the Toilet Board Coalition and Richard Wright of Unilever described how the Toilet Board Coalition seeks to catalyze the business sector to deliver universal access to sanitation by using a business accelerator model and focusing on innovation. Through this process they used consumer feedback as a way to improve the design and uptake of their product. In the 2014 Think Tank we heard from the Water and Sanitation Program on the design of the Mrembo handwashing station, and they also emphasized the need to be responsive to local desires when designing products.
Throughout this process, the Toilet Board Coalition found that the toilet needed to be aspirational and attractive, but also practical (i.e. stackable). Consumer feedback indicated that additional design modifications would be advisable. For instance, odor, splashing, and visible waste devalued the aspirational attributes of the toilet, if not the function.
In terms of integrating hygiene alongside sanitation, they found that private toilets were more likely to have hygiene products available. The messaging around using soap for hygiene might not be as effective when soap is considered a beauty product, so this also was a consideration.
Geoff Revell of WaterSHED Asia gave an update on the Happy Tap/LaBobo portable handwashing station, which was likewise the result of human-centered and aspirational design research.
This product was introduced in Vietnam where extensive behavior change campaigns had already happened. As such, handwashing information had already been widely disseminated. Therefore, people knew the “why” (i.e. the critical times of handwashing and the appropriate movements), but failed to follow through on the behavior due to constraints, such as the time required to collect water for handwashing.
In marketing this handwashing station, WaterSHED found that they needed to differentiate between consumer wants and needs. Messages around convenience, time-saving, money savings, water savings, and status/modernity were tested. They found that convenience was the biggest motivator, but they couldn’t just market it on convenience alone. Similarly, marketing it for modernity was counterproductive. Instead, it was marketed to parents as an appeal to their personal responsibility in protecting the health of their children and their community. These messages were emotional in nature, but they also provided consumers with the right narrative to help them justify the purchase.
For the final session, Dr. Val Curtis (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) led participants in an exercise outlining how we should move forward as a result of our discussions and commitment-making. It is clear that there are opportunities for the Global Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing to continue to share knowledge about what does and does not work in behavior change and to promote advocacy for hygiene at the global and national level. Measurement of handwashing was a thread that ran throughout the discussions, and this is an area where both handwashing programs and researchers can work together.
TAGS: Event RecordingBriefing PaperAdvocacy MaterialsPartnership Documents Behavior ChangeAdvocacy & Policy ImplementersPolicy MakersGeneral PublicAcademicsEducators English 2016
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