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The Global Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing

Tag: Mexico

Secretaria de Salud celebrates Global Handwashing Day 2017 in Mexico

March 27, 2018

Se realizaron actividades en 6 hospitales con ese motivo, se capacito el 25% del personal en turno ese día, y capacitaciones previas del personal de salud de todos los turnos en un 50 %, se realizaron actividades en 2 jurisdicciones que consistieron en capacitación al […]

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ISEM celebrates Global Handwashing Day 2017 in Mexico

October 30, 2017

El Instituto de Salud del Estado de México (ISEM) ponencia lavado de manos, publico aproximente 20 compañeros, actividad, videos e informacion.

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El Hospital San Angel Inn Patriotismo celebrates Global Handwashing Day 2017 in Mexico

October 30, 2017

Se comenzó con la participación de los directivos del hospital en el auditorio, dando así el arranque oficial de la campaña permanente de higiene de manos, con base en lo sugerido en la campaña multimodal de la OMS; se procedió a realizar una platica para […]

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El Grupo Educativo 16 de Septiembre celebrates Global Handwashing Day 2017 in Mexico

October 30, 2017

El evento se realiza año con año desde 2014, su servidor Victor Hugo Pacheco Gallardo es el organizador del evento en el Colegio Internacional Bilingüe Preescolar, en Mexicali, Baja California. México, con un total de 75 niños asesorados por sus maestras y apoyados por jóvenes […]

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JFK American School of Queretaro celebrates Global Handwashing Day 2017 in Mexico

October 30, 2017

The JFK American School of Queretaro hosted a “unit of inquiry” where it investigated what microorganisms were and how to prevent getting sick from them. At the end of the unit, the 100 pre-first students which participated made posters in teams explaining why it is […]

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La Secretaria de salud en Michoacán celebrates Global Handwashing Day 2017 in Mexico

October 16, 2017

La Secretaria de salud en Michoacán participaran 26 hospitales.

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Centro Medico of Puerta de Hierro Colima celebrates Global Handwashing Day 2017

October 13, 2017

Centro Medico of Puerta de Hierro Colima will celebrate Global Handwashing Day 2017 with 100 participants and will display of posters, information modules, and thematic games about handwashing,  with participation of medicine students.

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Salud Publica celebrates Global Handwashing Day 2017 in Mexico

October 3, 2017

In celebration of Global Handwashing Day, on October 15, 2017, International Aid has organized handwashing activities at all medical and non-medical units of the State Delegation in Tlaxcala of the IMSS.

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Pemex celebrated Global Handwashing Day on October 14 in Mexico

October 20, 2016

Pemex celebrated Global Handwashing Day on October 14 in Mexico.  

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Hospital H Más Querétaro celebrates Global Handwashing Day reaching more than 350 staff, patients, and visitors

October 18, 2016

Hospital H Más Querétaro celebrated Global Handwashing Day by encouraging the habit of handwashing in their employees, patients, visitors and suppliers, in order to raise awareness of the risks and benefits of following this practice. A dynamic handwashing program was held where 350 employees, visitors, and others in […]

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