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The Global Handwashing Partnership

The Effect of Handwashing at Recommended Times with Water Alone and With Soap on Child Diarrhea in Rural Bangladesh: An Observational Study

March 16, 2015

This observational paper studies the effect of handwashing with and without soap at recommended times.

January – June 2013 Research Summary

March 16, 2015

This summary highlights research findings in handwashing for the period of January to June 2013.

Strategies and Challenges to Handwashing Promotion in Emergencies

March 16, 2015

Prepared by the University at Buffalo, this report seeks to understand approaches and challenges to improving hand hygiene in humanitarian emergencies though conducting informant interviews with experts.

SuperAmma Handwashing Campaign

March 16, 2015

This resource highlights the SuperAmma behavior change communication campaign video.

100 School Survey

March 16, 2015

This document provides resources to conduct a handwashing measurement survey in schools.

More than Just a Day: Ideas for Promoting Handwashing All Year

March 16, 2015

Global Handwashing Day comes once a year, but you can promote handwashing all the time! This document provides ideas and ways to be involved in handwashing promotion.

UNICEF WASH in Schools Monitoring Package

March 16, 2015

UNICEF developed this package as a tool to promote and guide WASH in Schools monitoring initiatives at national, sub-national and project levels. The package is intended primarily as a resource for UNICEF officers, but the tools are valuable to anyone working on monitoring WASH and […]

Governments Take Action

March 16, 2015

Governments play a crucial role in supporting handwashing policies. This document explores how governments and promote handwashing and gives practical examples.

WHO/UNICEF Global Action Plan for Pneumonia and Diarrhoea (GAPPD)

March 16, 2015

The GAPPD integrates WASH, including specific handwashing targets, and nutrition goals in order to reduce childhood pneumonia and diarrhea and improve child development and growth. Read the full report entitled Ending Preventable Child Deaths from Pneumonia and Diarrhoea by 2025

Global Handwashing Day 2013 Report

March 16, 2015

Global Handwashing Day 2013 was celebrated in over 100 countries. Read what else happened in this short report.


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Global Handwashing