Published: March 26, 2019
A core goal of our research summaries is to increase the research focus on handwashing. In 2018, we found 155 studies which explore handwashing in connection with diverse programmatic areas in global health and development, varying from urban design to maternal and child health. These […]
TAGS: Research AdvocatesAcademicsGeneral Public English 2019
Published: March 12, 2019
This infographic introduces key data on hand hygiene in healthcare facilities, and shares practical steps to ensure hand hygiene is prioritized in healthcare settings.
TAGS: Advocacy Materials Hygiene in Health FacilitiesAdvocacy & Policy Advocates English 2019
Published: March 12, 2019
This advocacy pack can be used to support you in planning and conducting activities to accelerate hand hygiene efforts in healthcare settings. It consists of evidence-based materials on the impact, current practice, and strategies for hand hygiene in healthcare facilities, and provides sample messages to […]
TAGS: Advocacy Materials Hygiene in Health FacilitiesAdvocacy & Policy AdvocatesPolicy Makers English 2019
Published: March 12, 2019
This resource lists some of the key data related to the impact of hand hygiene in healthcare settings.
TAGS: Advocacy Materials Hygiene in Health FacilitiesAdvocacy & Policy AdvocatesGeneral Public English 2019
Published: March 12, 2019
This advocacy brief explains why hand hygiene is vital in healthcare settings.
TAGS: Advocacy MaterialsBriefing Paper Advocacy & PolicyHygiene in Health Facilities AdvocatesPolicy Makers English 2019
Published: March 12, 2019
This social media toolkit has sample messages and graphics to help advocates spread the word on the importance of hand hygiene in healthcare settings.
TAGS: Trainings & ToolkitsAdvocacy Materials Hygiene in Health FacilitiesAdvocacy & Policy Advocates English 2019
Published: March 12, 2019
This resource provides examples and a template for effective pitches that can be used to convince someone to take action and improve hand hygiene.
TAGS: Advocacy Materials Advocacy & Policy Advocates English 2019
Published: March 8, 2019
This report from the Humanitarian Innovation Fund explores the challenges and limitations of handwashing in emergency settings, and outlines focus areas for future research.
TAGS: Research Hygiene in Emergencies Policy MakersImplementersAcademicsAdvocates English 2016
Published: February 18, 2019
This infographic introduces key ways to prevent the transmission of measles through handwashing. In addition to vaccination, handwashing with soap is an effective way to prevent the transmission and spread of the measles virus.
TAGS: Advocacy Materials Handwashing Promotion General PublicAdvocatesEducatorsImplementers English 2019
Published: February 12, 2019
This report summarizes the 2018 Global Handwashing Day campaign. The campaign theme, ‘Clean hands- a recipe for health’, encouraged everyone to make handwashing with soap a part of every meal. This report links to Global Handwashing Day tools, summarizes the global impact of Global Handwashing Day, shares […]
TAGS: Partnership Documents Global Handwashing Day AdvocatesGlobal Handwashing Day PlannersGeneral Public English
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