Published: August 2, 2017
Updated for 2017, this social media toolkit has sample messages, blog ideas, and resources to help celebrants and handwashing champions spread the word about Global Handwashing Day. This toolkit is available in English, French & Spanish.
TAGS: Trainings & ToolkitsMultimediaAdvocacy Materials Handwashing PromotionGlobal Handwashing Day ImplementersAdvocatesGlobal Handwashing Day PlannersGeneral PublicPolicy Makers FrenchSpanishEnglish 2017
Published: May 5, 2017
This webinar summary provides context on the status of WASH in healthcare facilities, as well as insights into assessments, programs and action plans to reduce healthcare-associated infections linked to inadequate hand hygiene.
TAGS: Event Recording IntegrationHandwashing PromotionAdvocacy & PolicyMonitoring & EvaluationHygiene in Health FacilitiesMaternal Newborn & Child HealthHandwashing Technologies ImplementersPolicy Makers English 2017
Published: March 7, 2017
Between July and December 2016, we identified 37 relevant peer-reviewed studies on handwashing. Learn about key findings during this time period in this handwashing research summary from the second half of 2016.
TAGS: Briefing PaperPartnership DocumentsResearch Advocacy & PolicyBehavior Change Policy MakersGeneral PublicAcademics English 2016
Published: February 28, 2017
In 2016, the PPPHW continued its work on advocacy and knowledge leadership as outlined in its 2013-2016 strategy. This annual report outlines our accomplishments and highlights from the year.
TAGS: Partnership DocumentsAdvocacy MaterialsBriefing Paper Advocacy & Policy ImplementersAdvocatesEducatorsAcademicsGeneral PublicPolicy Makers English 2017
Published: February 7, 2017
This webinar summary highlights the role of hand hygiene in flu prevention, as well as the importance of integrated efforts between federal and provincial governments and non-profits in interventions.
TAGS: Event RecordingBriefing PaperPresentation Advocacy & PolicyHygiene in SchoolsMaternal Newborn & Child Health ImplementersPolicy MakersGeneral PublicEducators English 2016
Published: November 19, 2016
This webinar summary highlights a discussion and recommendations for improving workplace sanitation and hygiene for employee wellness.
TAGS: Event RecordingBriefing Paper IntegrationHandwashing and SanitationAdvocacy & PolicyHygiene in the Workplace ImplementersPolicy Makers English 2017
Published: September 27, 2016
This webinar summary explores innovative WASH and social behavior change strategies which contributed to the halt of the 2014 Ebola outbreak.
TAGS: Event RecordingBriefing PaperPresentation Hygiene in SchoolsHandwashing TechnologiesHygiene in EmergenciesHygiene in Health FacilitiesBehavior ChangeIntegrationMonitoring & Evaluation ImplementersPolicy MakersGeneral Public 2016
Published: August 8, 2016
Between January and June 2016, 32 relevant peer-reviewed studies on handwashing were identified. Learn about key findings during this time period in this Handwashing Research Summary.
TAGS: Briefing PaperResearch Handwashing and SanitationBehavior Change AcademicsImplementersPolicy MakersGeneral Public English 2016
Published: April 27, 2016
This overview of the 2016 Handwashing Behavior Change Think Tank highlights the background, sessions and recommendations for all actors in the hand hygiene space.
TAGS: Partnership DocumentsAdvocacy MaterialsBriefing PaperEvent Recording Behavior ChangeAdvocacy & Policy EducatorsAcademicsGeneral PublicPolicy MakersImplementers English 2016
Published: April 27, 2016
This webinar summary provides insights into the discussions and recommendations from the 2016 Handwashing Behavior Change Think Tank.
TAGS: Event Recording Advocacy & PolicyIntegration General PublicPolicy MakersImplementers English 2016
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© 2017 The Global Handwashing Partnership (GHP).