Published: April 2, 2018
This report highlights resources, results and success stories of the 2017 Global Handwashing Day celebrations.
TAGS: Briefing PaperAdvocacy MaterialsPartnership Documents Global Handwashing DayAdvocacy & Policy ImplementersGeneral PublicGlobal Handwashing Day PlannersEducatorsAdvocates English 2017
Published: March 12, 2018
This toolkit provides advocacy and communication messages to promote hand hygiene in different settings on World Water Day.
TAGS: Advocacy MaterialsTrainings & ToolkitsMultimedia Advocacy & Policy ImplementersGeneral PublicAdvocates English 2018
Published: February 28, 2018
This toolkit includes tools and resources to help hygiene advocates ensure that handwashing with soap is recognized as critical to health and development.
TAGS: PresentationAdvocacy MaterialsTrainings & ToolkitsMultimediaPartnership Documents IntegrationAdvocacy & PolicyHygiene in Health FacilitiesHygiene in the WorkplaceHygiene in Schools ImplementersPolicy MakersGeneral PublicGlobal Handwashing Day PlannersEducatorsAdvocates English 2018
Published: February 21, 2018
This report highlights key accomplishments of the Partnership in 2017.
TAGS: Briefing PaperAdvocacy MaterialsPartnership Documents Behavior ChangeGlobal Handwashing DayIntegrationAdvocacy & PolicyMonitoring & Evaluation ImplementersPolicy MakersGeneral PublicGlobal Handwashing Day PlannersAcademicsEducatorsAdvocates English 2018
Published: November 6, 2017
This brief answers some frequently asked questions about nudges as a behavior change tool, and highlights interventions where nudges have been used to increase handwashing.
TAGS: Case StudyBriefing PaperResearch Behavior ChangeIntegration ImplementersPolicy MakersGeneral PublicGlobal Handwashing Day PlannersEducatorsAdvocates English 2017
Published: October 12, 2017
This resource, a microsite, shares tools, perspectives as well as the USAID Maternal & Child Survival program expertise in the integration of WASH in quality of care improvement.
TAGS: Trainings & ToolkitsMultimediaResearch Behavior ChangeIntegrationHygiene in Health FacilitiesMaternal Newborn & Child Health ImplementersGeneral PublicEducatorsAdvocates English 2017
Published: September 14, 2017
This advocacy brief explains why handwashing with soap is critical to sustainable development, and how this key behavior contributes to many of the Sustainable Development Goals.
TAGS: Briefing PaperAdvocacy MaterialsPartnership DocumentsResearch IntegrationAdvocacy & Policy ImplementersPolicy MakersAcademics English 2017
Published: September 12, 2017
This webinar summary highlights findings from research and programs on norms, nudges and other drivers of hand hygiene behavior change.
TAGS: Event RecordingBriefing PaperPresentationMultimedia Behavior ChangeIntegrationHandwashing Technologies ImplementersGeneral PublicAcademicsAdvocates English 2017
Published: August 28, 2017
Updated for 2017, this Planner’s Guide will help you plan a successful Global Handwashing Day event. The Planner’s Guide is also available in French and Spanish.
TAGS: Advocacy MaterialsTrainings & ToolkitsPartnership Documents Global Handwashing Day ImplementersGeneral PublicGlobal Handwashing Day PlannersEducators EnglishSpanishFrench 2017
Published: August 23, 2017
This fact sheet highlights the evidence on healthcare-related risks of poor hygiene and the critical components in the improvement of quality of care and reduction of negative outcomes of poor hand hygiene compliance in healthcare facilities.
TAGS: Briefing PaperResearch Behavior ChangeIntegrationHygiene in Health FacilitiesMaternal Newborn & Child Health ImplementersPolicy Makers English 2017
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