Published: February 28, 2017
In 2016, the PPPHW continued its work on advocacy and knowledge leadership as outlined in its 2013-2016 strategy. This annual report outlines our accomplishments and highlights from the year.
TAGS: Briefing PaperAdvocacy MaterialsPartnership Documents Advocacy & Policy ImplementersPolicy MakersGeneral PublicAcademicsEducatorsAdvocates English 2017
Published: February 7, 2017
This webinar summary highlights the role of hand hygiene in flu prevention, as well as the importance of integrated efforts between federal and provincial governments and non-profits in interventions.
TAGS: Event RecordingBriefing PaperPresentation Advocacy & PolicyHygiene in SchoolsMaternal Newborn & Child Health ImplementersPolicy MakersGeneral PublicEducators English 2016
Published: November 19, 2016
This webinar summary highlights a discussion and recommendations for improving workplace sanitation and hygiene for employee wellness.
TAGS: Event RecordingBriefing Paper IntegrationHandwashing and SanitationAdvocacy & PolicyHygiene in the Workplace ImplementersPolicy Makers English 2017
Published: September 27, 2016
This webinar summary explores innovative WASH and social behavior change strategies which contributed to the halt of the 2014 Ebola outbreak.
TAGS: Event RecordingBriefing PaperPresentation Behavior ChangeIntegrationMonitoring & EvaluationHygiene in Health FacilitiesHygiene in SchoolsHandwashing TechnologiesHygiene in Emergencies ImplementersPolicy MakersGeneral Public 2016
Published: August 8, 2016
Between January and June 2016, 32 relevant peer-reviewed studies on handwashing were identified. Learn about key findings during this time period in this Handwashing Research Summary.
TAGS: Briefing PaperResearch Behavior ChangeHandwashing and Sanitation ImplementersPolicy MakersGeneral PublicAcademics English 2016
Published: April 27, 2016
This overview of the 2016 Handwashing Behavior Change Think Tank highlights the background, sessions and recommendations for all actors in the hand hygiene space.
TAGS: Event RecordingBriefing PaperAdvocacy MaterialsPartnership Documents Behavior ChangeAdvocacy & Policy ImplementersPolicy MakersGeneral PublicAcademicsEducators English 2016
Published: April 27, 2016
This webinar summary provides insights into the discussions and recommendations from the 2016 Handwashing Behavior Change Think Tank.
TAGS: Event Recording IntegrationAdvocacy & Policy ImplementersPolicy MakersGeneral Public English 2016
Published: April 19, 2016
This document discussed emotional motivators, behavioral settings and the science of habit formation-three themes explored during the 2015 Regional Handwashing Think Tank.
TAGS: Event RecordingBriefing PaperPresentationPartnership Documents Behavior Change ImplementersPolicy MakersAcademicsEducators English 2015
Published: February 18, 2016
This webinar summary explores the relationship between WASH and the prevalence of neglected tropical diseases.
TAGS: Event RecordingBriefing Paper IntegrationHandwashing Promotion ImplementersPolicy MakersGeneral PublicEducators English 2016
Published: February 2, 2016
In 2015, the PPPHW continued its work on advocacy and knowledge leadership as outlined in its 2013-2016 strategy. This annual report outlines our accomplishments and highlights from the year.
TAGS: Briefing PaperPartnership Documents Advocacy & PolicyMonitoring & Evaluation ImplementersPolicy MakersGeneral PublicAcademicsEducatorsAdvocates English 2016
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