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The Global Handwashing Partnership


India’s 2012 to 2017 National WASH Advocacy and Communications Strategy  >

Published: March 14, 2015

The overall goal of this strategy is to make sure that people have both access to and use a toilet and practice good hygiene, including handwashing with soap after the toilet and before food.


Handwashing: It’s Such an Easy Thing to Do  >

Published: March 14, 2015

This resource, a keynote delivered at the 2014 UNC Water and Health Conference, highlights the pains and gains of hand hygiene as a public health intervention.


Complementary Food Hygiene Policy Brief: An overlooked opportunity in the WASH, nutrition, and health sectors  >

Published: March 13, 2015

Poor complementary food hygiene may account for a substantial proportion of diarrheal diseases among infants and young children in developing countries. This briefing paper documents SHARE’s contribution to narrowing the evidence gap, highlights opportunities for future research, and offers insights that could influence policy and […]



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Global Handwashing