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The Global Handwashing Partnership


Webinar Summary: Handwashing and the Science of Habit  >

Published: March 18, 2015

This webinar summary highlights the application of the science of habit to hand hygiene behavior interventions.


Keep Calm & Wash Your Hands Poster  >

Published: March 16, 2015

These posters from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention send a simple message: Keep calm and wash your hands. 


2014 Handwashing Behavior Change Think Tank  >

Published: March 16, 2015

The Global Handwashing Partnership’s 2014 Handwashing Behavior Change Think Tank brought together handwashing experts to take stock of the best, identify the gaps, and articulate the way forward for handwashing behavior change.


Water and Sanitation Program’s Handwashing with Soap Toolkit  >

Published: March 16, 2015

This resource provides links to the Water and Sanitation Program handwashing with soap toolkit, based on project implementation learnings.


Strategies and Challenges to Handwashing Promotion in Emergencies  >

Published: March 16, 2015

Prepared by the University at Buffalo, this report seeks to understand approaches and challenges to improving hand hygiene in humanitarian emergencies though conducting informant interviews with experts.


SuperAmma Handwashing Campaign  >

Published: March 16, 2015

This resource highlights the SuperAmma behavior change communication campaign video.


Handwashing in the Perinatal Period: Literature Review and Synthesis of Qualitative Research Studies from Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Kenya  >

Published: March 14, 2015

This qualitative research synthesis reviews motivators, barriers and practices related to maternal handwashing in the perinatal period, and provides recommendations to health care practitioners.


Video Surveillance Captures Student Hand Hygiene Behavior, Reactivity to Observation, and Peer Influence in Kenyan Primary Schools  >

Published: March 14, 2015

This study explored the impact of using video surveillance to monitor hand hygiene behavior, and explore the role of peer influence on student hand cleaning behavior.


Validity of Rapid Measures of Handwashing Behavior: An analysis of Data from Multiple Impact Evaluations in the Global Scaling Up Handwashing Project  >

Published: March 14, 2015

This multi-country analysis of the validity of rapid handwashing measures confirms the utility of observing handwashing materials at the places where people wash hands, at the times most necessary for washing them (after fecal contact and before food preparation).


Assessing the Health Impact of WASH Measures in Schools in Maradi (Niger)  >

Published: March 14, 2015

This study examined the impact of clean water supply, latrines, handwashing stations, and health promotion education on Nigerien school children’s health.



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Global Handwashing