Published: February 21, 2018
This report highlights key accomplishments of the Partnership in 2017.
TAGS: Briefing PaperAdvocacy MaterialsPartnership Documents Behavior ChangeGlobal Handwashing DayIntegrationAdvocacy & PolicyMonitoring & Evaluation ImplementersPolicy MakersGeneral PublicGlobal Handwashing Day PlannersAcademicsEducatorsAdvocates English 2018
Published: May 5, 2017
This webinar summary provides context on the status of WASH in healthcare facilities, as well as insights into assessments, programs and action plans to reduce healthcare-associated infections linked to inadequate hand hygiene.
TAGS: Event Recording IntegrationHandwashing PromotionAdvocacy & PolicyMonitoring & EvaluationHygiene in Health FacilitiesMaternal Newborn & Child HealthHandwashing Technologies ImplementersPolicy Makers English 2017
Published: September 27, 2016
This webinar summary explores innovative WASH and social behavior change strategies which contributed to the halt of the 2014 Ebola outbreak.
TAGS: Event RecordingBriefing PaperPresentation Behavior ChangeIntegrationMonitoring & EvaluationHygiene in Health FacilitiesHygiene in SchoolsHandwashing TechnologiesHygiene in Emergencies ImplementersPolicy MakersGeneral Public 2016
Published: February 2, 2016
In 2015, the PPPHW continued its work on advocacy and knowledge leadership as outlined in its 2013-2016 strategy. This annual report outlines our accomplishments and highlights from the year.
TAGS: Briefing PaperPartnership Documents Advocacy & PolicyMonitoring & Evaluation ImplementersPolicy MakersGeneral PublicAcademicsEducatorsAdvocates English 2016
Published: March 16, 2015
This toolkit developed by UNICEF is a must-read for handwashing program implementers. It covers all steps that should be taken to evaluate a handwashing behavior change program.
TAGS: Trainings & Toolkits Behavior ChangeMonitoring & Evaluation ImplementersAcademics English 2013
Published: March 16, 2015
A common challenge for handwashing programs is measuring handwashing behavior. This document gives an overview of the different monitoring approaches and include practical monitoring recommendations for high- and low-resource programs.
TAGS: Trainings & Toolkits Behavior ChangeMonitoring & Evaluation Implementers English 2010
Published: March 16, 2015
This booklet will help you set goals for Global Handwashing Day and devise appropriate indicators and methods for monitoring and evaluating activities. It is available in both English and Spanish.
TAGS: Trainings & Toolkits Global Handwashing DayMonitoring & Evaluation Global Handwashing Day PlannersAdvocates EnglishSpanish 2010
Published: March 16, 2015
This document provides resources to conduct a handwashing measurement survey in schools.
TAGS: Trainings & ToolkitsResearch Global Handwashing DayMonitoring & EvaluationHygiene in Schools ImplementersGlobal Handwashing Day Planners EnglishSpanishFrench 2010
Published: March 16, 2015
UNICEF developed this package as a tool to promote and guide WASH in Schools monitoring initiatives at national, sub-national and project levels. The package is intended primarily as a resource for UNICEF officers, but the tools are valuable to anyone working on monitoring WASH and […]
TAGS: Trainings & Toolkits Monitoring & EvaluationHygiene in Schools Implementers EnglishSpanishFrenchRussian 2011
Published: March 14, 2015
This study explored the impact of using video surveillance to monitor hand hygiene behavior, and explore the role of peer influence on student hand cleaning behavior.
TAGS: Case StudyMultimediaResearch Monitoring & EvaluationHygiene in Schools ImplementersAcademics English 2014
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