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The Global Handwashing Partnership

Briefing Paper

Post-2015 Hygiene Advocacy Policy Brief–French & English  >

Published: May 20, 2015

This French version of our hygiene advocacy one-page page policy document outlines the current status and role of hygiene in the Sustainable Development Goals. We also have a double-sided French and English version available.


Diarrhoea: Why Children are Still Dying and What Can be Done  >

Published: March 14, 2015

This report from UNICEF/WHO explores the prevalence and toll of childhood diarrhea across the globe and puts forth a 7-point plan to prevent childhood diarrhea.


Non-clinical Interventions for Acute Respiratory Infections and Diarrhoeal Diseases Among Young Children in Developing Countries  >

Published: March 13, 2015

Researchers in this study explored the impact of non-clinical interventions-including those in sanitation and hygiene-on acute respiratory infections and diarrheal disease.


Briefing Paper: Greater Investment in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene is Key to the Fight Against Undernutrition  >

Published: March 13, 2015

This briefing paper outlines the negative impact that a lack water, sanitation, and hygiene can pose, with a focus on under-nutrition. Published by Action contre La Faim (ACF) International, this briefing paper urges policymakers and governments to prioritize and fund WASH to avoid these negative consequences.


Complementary Food Hygiene Policy Brief: An overlooked opportunity in the WASH, nutrition, and health sectors  >

Published: March 13, 2015

Poor complementary food hygiene may account for a substantial proportion of diarrheal diseases among infants and young children in developing countries. This briefing paper documents SHARE’s contribution to narrowing the evidence gap, highlights opportunities for future research, and offers insights that could influence policy and […]



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